Tutorial:Molecular alignments
This is an example on how to align whole structures or parts of structures in MSL. This tutorial explains functions in the Transform object.
Complete source of example_molecular_alignment.cpp
In MSL the program alignMolecules utilizes the type of code in this tutorial to structurally align multiple PDB files, given a set of reference atoms.
To compile
% make bin/example_molecular_alignment
To run the program
Go to the main directory and run the command (note, the location of the exampleFiles subdirectory needs to be provided as an argument)
% bin/example_molecular_alignment exampleFiles
Program description
First you just read two molecules into AtomContainers as seen on the AtomContainer Tutorial
string refFile = "example0005.pdb";
refFile = (string)argv[1] + "/" + refFile;
cout << "Create an AtomContainer and read the atoms from " << refFile << endl;
string moveFile = "example0006.pdb";
moveFile = (string)argv[1] + "/" + moveFile;
cout << "Create an AtomContainer and read the atoms from " << moveFile << endl;
// read the PDB into a new AtomContainer "refAtoms"
AtomContainer refAtoms;
if (!refAtoms.readPdb(refFile)) {
// error checking, the PDB could not be read
cerr << endl;
cerr << "File " << refFile << " cannot be found, please speficy the path of the \"exampleFiles\" directory as an argument" << endl;
} else {
cout << "Reference PDB has "<<refAtoms.size()<<" atoms."<<endl;
// read the PDB into a new AtomContainer "moveAtoms"
AtomContainer moveAtoms;
if (!moveAtoms.readPdb(moveFile)) {
// error checking, the PDB could not be read
cerr << endl;
cerr << "File " << moveFile << " cannot be found, please speficy the path of the \"exampleFiles\" directory as an argument" << endl;
} else {
cout << "Move PDB has "<<moveAtoms.size()<<" atoms."<<endl;
Next we check before me move any molecules what the RMSD is, by using the AtomPointerVector::rmsd(AtomPointerVector) function.
// Get RMSD before alignment
double preRMSD = refAtoms.getAtomPointers().rmsd(moveAtoms.getAtomPointers());
Create a Transforms object and align the two AtomPointerVectors.
// Create a Transforms object (includes functions to do molecular alignments)
Transforms alignAtoms;
// Do molecular alignment first atoms are moving, second atoms are the reference
if (!alignAtoms.rmsdAlignment(moveAtoms.getAtomPointers(),refAtoms.getAtomPointers())){
cerr << "ERROR alignment of molecules using all the atoms of reference: "<<refFile<<" and move: "<<moveFile<<" files."<<endl;
Finally, get the post-alignment RMSD and print out the results... including the Transformation matrix and translation
// Get RMSD after alignment
double postRMSD = refAtoms.getAtomPointers().rmsd(moveAtoms.getAtomPointers());
// Query Transform object for the rotation and translations required for alignment
Matrix rotMatrix = alignAtoms.getLastRotationMatrix();
CartesianPoint translation = alignAtoms.getLastTranslation();
// Output RMSD, Rotation Matrix and Translation Vector
cout << endl << endl;
fprintf(stdout,"Before alignment RMSD: %8.3f\n",preRMSD);
fprintf(stdout,"After alignment RMSD: %8.3f\n",postRMSD);
cout << endl << endl;
cout << "Rotation Matix: " <<endl<<rotMatrix << endl;
cout << "Translation Vector: "<<endl<<translation << endl;